If you live in the downtown area, most likely you will not find a parking place for your car. And if you happen to have one, you might have an impression that it is not secure enough.

If you reside close to a Q-Park parking facility, we offer long-term parking places, also known as places for lease. You will be able to park your vehicle 7 days a week, 24 hours a day during several years!

By choosing to invest in a long-term parking place, you benefit from multiple advantages. In fact, this solution is more economic over the long term than the traditional memberships that we offer in Q-Park.

This is a simple and fast financial investment. In addition to more savings than with a traditional membership, you could make a profit when selling your apartment. It will be more attractive if it is being sold with a designated parking space!

Would you like to know if your parking facility offers long-term places? Contact us by clicking here.
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